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Numerology Love relationships for life path (6) - Teachers need love too

If your date of birth gives you numbers that reduce to (6) when you use fadic addition, you are on the Numerology Master Life Path. If this ...

If your date of birth gives you numbers that reduce to (6) when you use fadic addition, you are on the Numerology Master Life Path. If this is your Path, you can find out how your relationships will work, as long as you know your partner’s Life Path number. Are you destined to have a lasting and rewarding relationship?

Calculation of the path of life

Your Life Path is your main number in Numerology; equivalent to your sun sign in astrology. You calculate it by adding all the digits of your full date of birth and then reducing the sum using fadic addition. President George W. Bush has a life path (6). His date of birth is July 6, 1946, which in turn gives us the calculation below.

George W, Bush Life Path = (7 + 6 + 1946) = (1959) = (24) = (6)

His wife, First Lady Laura Bush, was born on November 4, 1946, so her Life Path number is (8), as shown below:

Laura Bush’s life path = (11 + 04 + 1946) = (1961) = (17) = (8)

Determine your compatibility

To see how the Love relationship of a person from Life Path (6) will be fair, like that of George W Bush; we must look at the entry corresponding to the Life Path of his partner.

Keep in mind that all these relationships can work, but the needs and character traits of the partners will be different.

LP Partner (1)

Opposites tend to attract, and that’s what will spice up your relationship in the long run. Your partner will probably need some persuasion to take the plunge and put your relationship on a permanent footing.

LP Partner (2)

You and your partner hate to argue. However, to make this relationship grow and prosper, you have to accept that the occasional disagreement won’t hurt and will tend to clear the air between you.

LP Partner (3)

In general, you are good with your finances and stick to a budget, which will tend to balance out your partner’s tendency to be a bit wasteful at times. Don’t let your perspective on money become a bone of contention between you, and everything will be fine.

LP Partner (4)

You and your partner need to be very patient with each other. Although you tend to be reserved and reluctant to show your affection, it takes a lot of time for your partner to develop trust in you. Don’t rush things and everything will be fine.

LP Partner (5)

Your partner will find that learning to open up to you and not hide their true feelings will help your relationship thrive. You tend to be very open with your true feelings, which can be confusing at first.

LP Partner (6)

You and your partner are comfortable in a relationship; romance takes root and grows rapidly here. However, both of you need to hold your ground and not let the practical things in life slip away if this partnership is to last long.

LP Partner (7)

You tend to see the bright side of life and remain optimistic. You don’t let little bumps in the road get to you as easily as your partner does. Work to help them overcome their anxieties about everyday life, and your relationship will grow stronger.

LP Partner (8)

Their relationship is a good partnership because they complement each other. You help your partner learn not to take things too seriously; while helping you to be more practical. This is a good combination.

LP Partner (9)

This can be a very difficult relationship. Your partner tends to set extremely high standards for what they expect from a relationship. They also find it difficult to open up and share their feelings with you. It will take all of your warmth and understanding to ease their fears and make this relationship grow.

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