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You are my [26F] of the groom [33M] Is your friend being weird on purpose?

My boyfriend has a lot of long-term platonic girlfriends, which I actually think is a green flag. We have been dating for a little over a ye...

My boyfriend has a lot of long-term platonic girlfriends, which I actually think is a green flag. We have been dating for a little over a year and on a couple of occasions I have been very uncomfortable with the way his friends have presented themselves to me. The first time it happened was at his friend’s birthday party. 

Before he could tell me anything he ran to him and started grabbing her nipples and then they hugged and he introduced us. She also got married and didn’t give it a +1. The second occurrence was more recent and was a friend of his that we randomly ran into while having dinner. 

They hugged and he introduced me and she greeted me and shook my hand and then grabbed her face and looking at him she said, "I am one of __’s most affectionate and long-term friends". She is also married. I just get weird “I’m going to make this girl uncomfortable” vibes. 

I can’t tell if I’m being overly dramatic to feel like these two people openly disrespected me. Is this behavior normal? Most of my ex’s friends didn’t have such weird vibes. My boyfriend says that I’m wrong for feeling this way and that we have different worldviews. 

TLDR: 2 of my boyfriend’s friends have made me feel uncomfortable and I don’t know if I’m wrong to feel that way. ETA: I don’t feel uncomfortable in the sense of "I feel threatened". I feel uncomfortable because I feel like people are disrespecting me and I don’t know how to stop this from happening since it’s technically not under my boyfriend’s control.

My boyfriend has a lot of long-term platonic girlfriends, which I actually think is a green flag. We have been dating for a little over a year and on a couple of occasions I have been very uncomfortable with the way his friends have presented themselves to me. 

The first time it happened was at his friend’s birthday party. Before he could tell me anything he ran to him and started grabbing her nipples and then they hugged and he introduced us. She also got married and didn’t give it a +1. The second occurrence was more recent and was a friend of his that we randomly ran into while having dinner. 

They hugged and he introduced me and she greeted me and shook my hand and then grabbed her face and looking at him she said, "I am one of __’s most affectionate and long-term friends". She is also married. I just get weird “I’m going to make this girl uncomfortable” vibes. I can’t tell if I’m being overly dramatic to feel like these two people openly disrespected me. 

Is this behavior normal? Most of my ex’s friends didn’t have such weird vibes. My boyfriend says that I’m wrong for feeling this way and that we have different worldviews. TLDR: 2 of my boyfriend’s friends have made me feel uncomfortable and I don’t know if I’m wrong to feel that way. ETA: I don’t feel uncomfortable in the sense of "I feel threatened". 

I feel uncomfortable because I feel like people are disrespecting me and I don’t know how to stop this from happening since it’s technically not under my boyfriend’s control.

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