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Signs a Scorpio is Falling Out of Love - Relationship Advice for Women

Something has changed in your relationship with your Scorpio man. You have tried to ignore it. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself it’s because ...

Something has changed in your relationship with your Scorpio man. You have tried to ignore it. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself it’s because he’s busy with work or the two of you have just fallen into a comfortable, all-too-familiar routine. 

But that lingering feeling in your heart just won’t go away. You are afraid that this is the beginning of the end of your relationship with him. If he’s not sure and he doesn’t want to overreact, there’s some help for you. Understanding the signs that a Scorpio is falling out of love can help you determine where the relationship stands and whether you need to do something drastic to prevent him from breaking up with you.

Here are 3 signs that a Scorpio is falling for you:

Stop wondering about your life and what happens to you. You know how curious Scorpio men are. It may be one of the characteristics that drew you to him in the first place. When a man like this stops asking you what you do or what you do to occupy your time, he is definitely losing interest. His interest in day-to-day things is a great way to gauge how he feels about you. If he stops asking how your day is or how the big project at work is going, you need to start worrying about your relationship.

You have reached an impasse in a conflict. One of the few drawbacks to loving a Scorpio man is having to deal with his anger. These men do not like to be wrong when it comes to an argument. They expect you to relent and eventually declare them the winner, even if it’s over something insignificant. If the two of you have been wrestling with an issue and can’t seem to find a middle ground, chances are you’re losing interest fast. You can usually tell if that’s the case by bringing up the problem repeatedly, even if the two of you can’t come up with a solution. That is his resentment displayed.

Stop initiating intimacy. Intimacy is obviously a very important part of any romantic relationship. Scorpios are one of the most physically passionate signs. If he stops wanting to be with you physically and is even making excuses for why he can’t, that’s not promising for your relationship. If he felt close to you emotionally, he would want to express it in a physical sense.

It’s hard when you realize your Scorpio man is falling for you. However, it is much better to know where he stands, as he gives you the opportunity to make a decision about what he wants for his future.

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