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sex kills love

We want to believe that when we have sex, we are “making love” and many people talk about “making love” to describe their sexual encounters ...

We want to believe that when we have sex, we are “making love” and many people talk about “making love” to describe their sexual encounters or acts.

Love is the element that makes the world go round and it literally does just that; not sex. Love-energy is the component that makes everything alive exist and without it we cannot and will not exist. Since we now know from previous research and articles that “sex is not love,” sex actually kills the love that is supposed to be everywhere: the love we are meant to experience for the special people in our lives. lives, towards the living entities in our lives and towards our “fellows”.

Sex especially kills the growth potential of love in a man, because a man can only grow love and get in touch with his feelings when sex stays away from him, out of the relationship for the right length of time while the couple reconciles. They know each other, they are busy interacting to become compatible with each other, understand each other, grow love to its fullest capacity and become tolerant of each other. All these things take time and when we go against nature and creation, things no longer work. We were not created to have sex first, then fall in love, and finally get married. It just doesn’t work that way, since it’s the other way around.

If we want to be platonic-bonded with another in a supposedly special relationship like a lifetime partnership or a marriage, we can have sex with anyone we choose, just as men thought could be done for centuries, even millennia. On the other hand, if we want the bond between life partners to be significant and deep, the only way to achieve it would be to grow love and not sexual experience, pleasure or falling in love. In other words, the focus should be on love and not on sex!

When we men and women have sex, the focus is on what sex gives us and not on how we actually feel. A woman might believe that she has met her true love, when in reality she only made an emotional connection because of sex, trapping her in something she shouldn’t even be a part of. A man, on the other hand, never reaches that level of love, being unable to connect with his true feelings when sex is part of the relationship, since there is no need to reach that level of love, since what was supposed to be that he was to get as a reward for getting in touch with his true feelings and experiencing the deep and true love he got at the beginning.

There are always the exceptions; where people fall deeply in love in a very short time and whose love lasts a lifetime, but are generally superiorly secure and complete people, capable of developing their love at great speed. The rest of us fairly normal folks need time to properly and completely fall in love, not to mention, to get to know a potential life partner completely, inside and out.

There are people who get married through an arranged marriage and there are people who choose to get married before they know the other party well or even have feelings for the other party. This could only work if both parties are completely safe and know that they are capable of loving anyone who treats them with dignity and respect, behaves well, and contributes to pollution. Thus souls are united first by vows; and the unifications in the spirit world are strong enough to withstand any challenge and obstacle. The moral of the story here again is love. Only when two people are safe, meaning “already full of love” to bring love into the relationship, can an arranged marriage succeed and in most cases it does. The reason for this is that the parents are so involved in their child’s life which provides the security and love that the child can marry anyone the parents have chosen and make it a success. Parents choose based on logic and not as a result of misinterpreted emotional feelings and actions, something that happens to people all over the world when it comes to sex.

People have a great longing to be safe somewhere and since most people confuse sex with love, have sex with the wrong people and then force marriage or a life partner when they weren’t supposed to it had to happen.

When sex is incorporated into a relationship, it stops the development of love, since sex is the reward of an established and secure relationship and not the beginning of the creation of a relationship. Sex can never be used as the basis for a safe relationship, yet many try and even after realizing their mistake, still try to force it to be so. Sex is the declaration and the visible act, proving to belong to another, to another soul, not in legal terms or in theory, but by action. The problem here is that many millions of people do not support love and the development of love, but rather the sex that would ultimately result in the destruction of experiencing true love.

We are in a trap of socially acceptable sex, approved drugs, artificial consumables (food and drink), synthetic clothing, misinterpreted beliefs and religions, and fake relationships, but sex is the act that eliminates the most important experience of all: the experience. of love. Once love ceases to exist, there will no longer be a need for physical existence and life.

Beware: Sex really kills love!

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