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My (28f) sister (31) is nice to everyone except me and I'm struggling with it [family]

This is my first post here…seeking support I think. Trying to understand this more. I talked about her a lot in therapy, but she still had a...

This is my first post here…seeking support I think. Trying to understand this more. I talked about her a lot in therapy, but she still had a hard time accepting it. She has some narcissistic tendencies. See examples: – 

One time, my sister kept harassing me for buying certain shoes, so as soon as I got upset and told her to fuck off and she could wear whatever shoes she wanted, she changed the script and He accused ME of being OBSESSED with my shoes. – She is INSISTIVE that I get rid of my Android phone and buy an iPhone. When I tell her that I don’t really have a preference for either and that I have basically new Android, 

I tell her that I’ll use an iPhone if she buys me one because it’s so important to her. -Then she gets VERY angry and says that it’s unreasonable for her to ask her to buy me an iPhone. Well…I’m not asking her to buy me a phone…she’s INsistent that I need a phone (which I don’t really want) so it’s only fair that she buy me one as I’m impartial at best . . She then insulted me for enjoying Android and called me an old man, comparing me to a senile old man who can’t use a phone. He mocked my language in the conversation in a hurtful way. – She also mentioned details at Christmas about a painful story about me, in front of my new boyfriend. It was very inappropriate. I mentioned the story in passing because it was relevant to how I met my boyfriend, but she really went into detail about it. She showed complete disregard for my feelings. She did apologize when she was asked to hurt my feelings, but never for what she did. -Growing up, whenever she did absolutely ANYTHING wrong, she would blow it out on my parents. Whether she was my party phase (all normal things for a college student), you would have thought she was a drug-dealing hooker from the way she reported me to my parents. She-She Acts like the little things 

I do are RIDICULOUS. Whether it’s how I dress, putting cute dog pictures in my snapshot, she always finds a reason to disapprove and put me down. My sister lives on the east coast and dresses like a first lady. 

LOVE social media. She swears in conversation casually periodically, but if you call her using ANY form of profanity, she acts OFFENDED beyond belief. I once sent her a text telling her how hurt she was by her behavior after a specific event. She apologized saying "sorry I hurt your feelings" but she totally ignored what she did to upset me. 

I followed up on that text saying that what she said wasn’t enough and that she wanted me to own up to how she did wrong and she hurt me. She may have used some profanity, but I’m family and I reached out because her actions hurt me deeply. Instead of wanting to talk to me about it, find out how she was doing, tell me her version of her story, she just ignored me for weeks. We haven’t talked yet. I am a disaster. I have no cousins ​​or other siblings. 

I have no aunts or uncles. I have spent hours agonizing and crying over our relationship. I want nothing more than a sister. I love my sister. She can be fun and cool. I just want her to love me back. I feel that my sister has been somewhat abusive towards me. My sister is kind to my parents and she has a healthy marriage. 

Her husband’s family absolutely LOVES her. She sometimes she even gives me expensive and thoughtful gifts, so I don’t know why she acts so cruel to me. Nobody understands my problems with her. 

I feel like she has targeted me for a level of abuse that is not there for other people and I am trying to figure out why. Tldr: I want to be friends with her more than anything, but I can’t figure out why that is and I’m in a lot of pain and I struggle with it.

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