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I lied about why I broke up with my partner and I feel horrible

So me (22M) and my partner (20NB) have been dating for a few months and I really felt all kinds of love for them during those months.  Unfor...

So me (22M) and my partner (20NB) have been dating for a few months and I really felt all kinds of love for them during those months. 

Unfortunately now it’s not the same and it’s not that I don’t love them, I just don’t love them as much as I should. I think this is due to how often I get hit and general mood swings (they have bpd so I understood what was going on to some degree). Most importantly though, I found out that they use some over the counter drugs to get high. 

To tell you the truth, I don’t care what anyone does, but I have an addictive personality (I don’t know if I put it well) and I don’t have much self-control. Also, I know that if they used it around me, I would like to try it on them. So I decided to break up with them. 

Now I don’t know if this part is right or wrong, but I didn’t give you a solid reason for the break up. I think they realized that I wasn’t as enamored with them as I used to be and I just went with it. But now I feel like shit and empty because I know they’re hurt and I never wanted that to happen. But I can’t say anything because it wouldn’t help your situation. 

I don’t know. I really don’t know what to do TLDR: I broke up with my partner because they did some drugs I wasn’t comfortable with, but they think I broke up because I wasn’t in love anymore. But I still am and I’m pretty confused

So me (22M) and my partner (20NB) have been dating for a few months and I really felt all kinds of love for them during those months. 

Unfortunately now it’s not the same and it’s not that I don’t love them, I just don’t love them as much as I should. 

I think this is due to how often I get hit and general mood swings (they have bpd so I understood what was going on to some degree). Most importantly though, I found out that they use some over the counter drugs to get high. To tell you the truth, I don’t care what anyone does, but I have an addictive personality (I don’t know if I put it well) and I don’t have much self-control. 

Also, I know that if they used it around me, I would like to try it on them. So I decided to break up with them. Now I don’t know if this part is right or wrong, but I didn’t give you a solid reason for the break up. 

I think they realized that I wasn’t as enamored with them as I used to be and I just went with it. But now I feel like shit and empty because I know they’re hurt and I never wanted that to happen. But I can’t say anything because it wouldn’t help your situation. I don’t know. I really don’t know what to do TLDR: I broke up with my partner because they did some drugs I wasn’t comfortable with, but they think I broke up because I wasn’t in love anymore. But I still am and I’m pretty confused

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