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How do canaries fall in love? A Guide to Canary Breeding

For those who keep multiple canaries in an aviary or flight cage, it’s no surprise that they are often curious when and if their canaries ev...

For those who keep multiple canaries in an aviary or flight cage, it’s no surprise that they are often curious when and if their canaries ever fall in love. Nothing is happier than seeing a pair of canaries find happiness in each other’s company and in their decision to have a baby. However, like people, there has to be a romantic moment or a romantic space where the magic happens. For canarians, it might not be much of a ballroom or night on the town, but they do have requirements, too. If you can provide the environment, it will happen.

For example, canaries are very photosensitive. They can feel the temperature zones of the earth, as well as the seasons. They have some requirements that will make them feel that it is time to fall in love. A temperate environment is one of the requirements. In other words, you can’t just force canaries to get together. A warm atmosphere, however; it affects the way the canaries will look at each other.

In fact, if you want to give yourself a better chance of them falling in love, make sure you can gradually increase their light exposure three months before you want them to be able to reproduce, or in other words, fall in love. If they receive nine hours of daylight for a month, increase the daylight in fifteen minute increments each week. For them, nine hours a day is the amount of light they receive in winter. They don’t like winter, unlike people, who sometimes like to curl up and drink hot chocolate. Rather, they are more like the summer type of love birds.

Actually don’t forget that before breeding, canaries need a lot of exercise. This means more flight time than usual and they need an environment where they can fly back and forth. Flight cages or breeding cages are excellent for this. If they don’t get enough exercise, it could hurt the female once the eggs hatch.

About a month later the daylight hours increase to ten, now they are starting to think it’s time to breed. It is not a good idea to rush this process. Now they will start to fall in love and start to reproduce. The female will be in constant motion while the male will sing enthusiastically.

Now, at eleven o’clock, the female bird will start gathering nesting material everywhere. This is a good time to provide them with materials to start nesting. The babies are coming soon and they have to do a lot of preparation for it. Although this activity doesn’t sound so romantic, the birds are happily working to prepare their babies. This is quite an exciting process to see when it will happen.

After the hours of the day reach twelve, the clock marks the right time for the babies to arrive. While some canaries take a bit longer, this is the general timeline in which babies will be born and raised. voila! They did it. Of course they didn’t do it without your help. If you’re ever interested in getting your canaries together, hopefully this guide will help you create the perfect environment for love to happen.

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