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dualities of love

Duality is caused by the frequency and wavelength of energetic vibrations that are divided by gender and polarity. The energy of love is a...

Duality is caused by the frequency and wavelength of energetic vibrations that are divided by gender and polarity.

The energy of love is a vibration whose wavelength can be divided by masculine and feminine gender, with a frequency that can be divided by positive and negative polarity.

love and need is a duality of the female gender who values ​​comfort and relaxation.

love and sex is a duality of the masculine gender that values ​​stimulation and arousal.

When Love is divided by gender it is known as Eros.

loving desire it is a duality with a positive polarity that values ​​excitement and achievement.

love and hate it is a duality with a negative polarity that suffers from annoyance and irritation.

When love is divided by polarity it is known as Philos.

In a codependent relationship, it is not uncommon to experience all four of the above dualities of Love from time to time.

A partnership may share the experience of comfort, relaxation, excitement, excitement, stimulation, achievement, annoyance, or irritation.

A pure Love that has no duality is called Agape.

Agape is a pure vibration of Love that is connected, neutral, balanced, unified and harmonious.

pure sex it’s an oxymoron.

There is no such thing as pure sex.

Sex is the masculine energy of a loving relationship.

Whenever Love is divided by gender, it ceases to be pure.

Love is pure agape when both masculine and feminine energy are present.

Sex is not about achieving a physical act although there may be an emotional need to achieve satisfaction.

When a person needs sex, they need the benefit of the emotional energy that comes from having sex, not the physical act.

Whether two sexual partners are in connection and unity depends on whether they are expressing their masculine energy, expressing their feminine energy, or blending the two harmoniously.

Sex is satisfying when it meets the emotional needs of both partners, and unsatisfying when it doesn’t.

A relationship that shares only one gender of energy, whether masculine or feminine, may be a good friendship, but it is not sexual and not harmoniously balanced.

lust and sex are often confused.

Sex is the masculine gender of my energy seeking stimulation, arousal, connection, and climactic conclusion.

Lust is the positive polarity of my energy that desires excitement, achievement, and satisfaction.

Enthusiastically achieving satisfaction in a sexual relationship is certainly lust, but it is not good sex.

Lust can prevent the enjoyment of sex when there is no stimulation, excitement or connection with the partner.

Lust is not a masculine characteristic.

It is not uncommon for a woman to want a loving, warm and relaxing hug or hug.

Lust is a positive desire to want passionately, which is a masculine energy experienced by both men and women.

Men and women experience it in different ways because they generally want and need different things.

Both male desire and female passion crave the thrill and satisfaction of getting what they passionately want and want.

Sex is a physical emotional experience that requires both partners to exchange positive masculine and feminine energy, regardless of gender.

It is the gender of the energetic vibration of both partners that is important, not the nature of their sex or the sexuality of their nature.

Lust It is the need to have everything I want.

Love it is the courage to get what I need and want.

Lust is the selfish care I have for myself.

Love is the selfless care I have for another.

I care about myself when I get what I need emotionally.

I care about others by satisfying their need for my emotional energy.

I love and value someone who cares about me and meets my emotional needs.

I hate it when my needs go unmet and I am driven to covet what I want with a passion.

I covet life when it has no apparent value and my needs are not met.

I love life when all my emotional needs are met.

I love my lust for life when I’m doing what I truly value.

Taking care of myself can be seen as selfish lust or truly selfish unconditional love for myself.

Caring for others can be seen as a selfless need or a truly selfish unconditional love for others.

True love is an unconditional adjective of the state of being.

It is neither subjective love which is lust nor objective love which is the need to emotionally care for the needs of another.

love and need are often confused.

Both have value.

I value everything I love.

I also value what I need.

When I don’t value what I don’t have, I don’t need it.

Valuing what I need is not a true value.

There is no true value in what I don’t have.

There is only a perceived value caused by a perceived need that has no true love value.

I can only truly love what I already have.

I can’t truly love what I’m missing.

What I really love has true value

It has true value when I love and appreciate its value.

When I appreciate the value of what I already have, what I love is already being appreciated.

True value is measured in gratitude and appreciation of my love.

Need is a measure of how much I want something that I don’t have.

I hate being needy.

love and hate they are poles apart.

Hate is an extreme or intense dislike.

I love (need) someone to give me emotional power (positive energy).

I fear someone or something that overrides my mental authority.

I like (I’m like) someone who shares and supports my authority (my positive choices).

I hate someone who doesn’t allow me to have what I need emotionally.

I love (need) someone or something that unconditionally meets my emotional needs.

People I like, who are like me, become my friends because I share the same interests or are interested in similar things.

The people I love are people I need unconditionally, because they make me feel complete.

A friend is someone who meets my emotional needs. I like them or love them depending on whether they satisfy my need for power or authority.

I like people who endorse my authority.

I love people who give me their emotional energy.

Yo I like or love people I need until I learn to consciously connect with my own source of emotional power and mental authority who is my inner guide and support (my inner coach).

Once connected to my own power and authority, I can choose to share the power of my love with others of similar authority, who make consistent decisions and create consistent realities.

love and fear they are not emotions.

They are opposite polarities.

They are directional options in a world of dual reality.

I can follow the path of fear or I can follow the path of love.

Love is the direction I love to go because it is an emotionally positive experience.

Fear is the direction I hate to go because it triggers negative emotions.

Negative emotions are not fears, although negative emotion intensities or intense negativity are very fearful.

Fears are the false evidence that my limiting beliefs appear in my life as a reality.

Love is the positive feeling of pure emotion that is empowered by my belief system and empowers my chosen path.

I always have the choice of clarity or direction between love or fear, I can love or like, love or hate, or love or need, I can choose love or lust, or love or sex.

Alternatively, I can choose the absolute reality of my own authority to connect with the power of divine Love, complete and undivided.

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