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Did I overreact by kicking my FwB out of my house because he told me he had a gun with him?

I (19F) have been with this guy (22M) for about 6 months. We’re in a ship-situation type of relationship, and we had plans to hang out and w...

I (19F) have been with this guy (22M) for about 6 months. We’re in a ship-situation type of relationship, and we had plans to hang out and watch a movie tonight. He told me that he was on his way at 11:33, I had just got off work closing shift from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, so I went and showered, cleaned my house and had dinner while I waited for him to arrive. reach. 

It had been an hour and a half since he told me he was on his way, and it was only 30 minutes away, so something was off. I called him and he told me there was still 30 minutes left, he ended up meeting a friend to play 2K or something. 

So of course he was angry. In fact, he’s on his way here, arriving about 50 minutes later. He walks in and immediately lays on my bed after we talked for a bit, I noticed his jacket looked a bit bulky so I patted it and felt something hard. I couldn’t tell what it was or what the shape of it was because he had a puffy jacket on. 

I laughed and asked him what he had under his jacket, he looked me straight in the eye and said, “A gun.” Then he grabbed my hand and pushed it and said, “Don’t touch it, it might explode.” Right now, the people living in my house are me, my sister, my best friend, and her 3-year-old daughter. So obviously I freak out. 

I yelled at him “Get that out of my fucking house right now. Why the hell would you bring something like that in here when you know we have a baby?”, as he just stared at me. After I was gone some more, he took his power bank and phone out of his jacket and acted like it was no big deal. He and his friends own several weapons and it is something that I have expressed to him that I am not comfortable with, for obvious reasons. 

I really don’t understand why he would make a “joke” like that. I told him a little more that this was not a joke, that it was not funny. He does things like that all the time. I’m autistic and he knows I can’t tell if he’s kidding or serious. 

He thinks he’s hilarious even though I’ve told him multiple times that I don’t like him, he scares me because he gets to where I don’t know what to believe when he says things to me, especially something as serious as him bringing a gun to my home. 

I ended up telling him to just get out of my house, and now he’s blowing up my phone saying I’m overreacting. He may be, but I really don’t get why he would think that’s okay. I’m exaggerating? TL;DR- I kicked my friend out of my house with benefits because he made a “joke” about bringing a gun with him, now he’s mad and says I’m overreacting, but since I’m autistic I can’t tell if I am or not. 

This seems like a big deal to me, but I’m not sure if he really is or if I’m just being dramatic.

I (19F) have been with this guy (22M) for about 6 months. We’re in a ship-situation type of relationship, and we had plans to hang out and watch a movie tonight. 

He told me that he was on his way at 11:33, I had just got off work closing shift from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, so I went and showered, cleaned my house and had dinner while I waited for him to arrive. reach. It had been an hour and a half since he told me he was on his way, and it was only 30 minutes away, so something was off. I called him and he told me there was still 30 minutes left, he ended up meeting a friend to play 2K or something. 

So of course he was angry. In fact, he’s on his way here, arriving about 50 minutes later. He walks in and immediately lays on my bed after we talked for a bit, I noticed his jacket looked a bit bulky so I patted it and felt something hard. I couldn’t tell what it was or what the shape of it was because he had a puffy jacket on. 

I laughed and asked him what he had under his jacket, he looked me straight in the eye and said, “A gun.” Then he grabbed my hand and pushed it and said, “Don’t touch it, it might explode.” Right now, the people living in my house are me, my sister, my best friend, and her 3-year-old daughter. So obviously I freak out. I yelled at him “Get that out of my fucking house right now. 

Why the hell would you bring something like that in here when you know we have a baby?”, as he just stared at me. After I was gone some more, he took his power bank and phone out of his jacket and acted like it was no big deal. 

He and his friends own several weapons and it is something that I have expressed to him that I am not comfortable with, for obvious reasons. I really don’t understand why he would make a “joke” like that. I told him a little more that this was not a joke, that it was not funny. He does things like that all the time. I’m autistic and he knows I can’t tell if he’s kidding or serious. 

He thinks he’s hilarious even though I’ve told him multiple times that I don’t like him, he scares me because he gets to where I don’t know what to believe when he says things to me, especially something as serious as him bringing a gun to my home. 

I ended up telling him to just get out of my house, and now he’s blowing up my phone saying I’m overreacting. He may be, but I really don’t get why he would think that’s okay. I’m exaggerating? TL;DR- I kicked my friend out of my house with benefits because he made a “joke” about bringing a gun with him, now he’s mad and says I’m overreacting, but since I’m autistic I can’t tell if I am or not. 

This seems like a big deal to me, but I’m not sure if he really is or if I’m just being dramatic.

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