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I (15m) don't know how to feel about my dad anymore.

A few years ago I realized that I was not 100% holy-good-boy-straight Christian. I started a relationship with another guy (which was kept s...

A few years ago I realized that I was not 100% holy-good-boy-straight Christian. I started a relationship with another guy (which was kept secret) and often searched for cute guys online. My dad found out about him, 

I don’t know how but he did. I thought and realized that the only way he could have found out was by reading my text messages. I’m not 100% sure if this is true as I haven’t confronted him about it. He told me that being gay was immoral and that I only want to be gay because it’s “new and hip.” He also told me that my friends don’t really support me. 

This happened in early 2020. There I sat in quarantine until 2022, as miserable as I could get as I constantly pushed my friends away in fear that what my father said was true. As a result, I did my best to suppress these gay thoughts along with most of my emotions. At the end of 2022, I started going to school again and started writing my thoughts in a journal, where I wrote down my private thoughts, mostly about my confused sexuality. 

Every night I hid my diary, but one night I forgot it. My dad found it and presumably read it all. Before you think he wasn’t wrong because he didn’t know it was a diary, the first sentence on the first page read “Hello, here I am writing a diary.” it should have stopped there. 

I love him, but it’s hard for me to do it these days. tldr: my dad doesn’t know what privacy is and he was disappointed when he wasn’t the good upright christian holy boy he so wanted him to be.

A few years ago I realized that I was not 100% holy-good-boy-straight Christian. I started a relationship with another guy (which was kept secret) and often searched for cute guys online. My dad found out about him, I don’t know how but he did. 

I thought and realized that the only way he could have found out was by reading my text messages. I’m not 100% sure if this is true as I haven’t confronted him about it. He told me that being gay was immoral and that I only want to be gay because it’s “new and hip.” He also told me that my friends don’t really support me. 

This happened in early 2020. There I sat in quarantine until 2022, as miserable as I could get as I constantly pushed my friends away in fear that what my father said was true. As a result, I did my best to suppress these gay thoughts along with most of my emotions. At the end of 2022, I started going to school again and started writing my thoughts in a journal, where 

I wrote down my private thoughts, mostly about my confused sexuality. Every night I hid my diary, but one night I forgot it. My dad found it and presumably read it all. Before you think he wasn’t wrong because he didn’t know it was a diary, the first sentence on the first page read “Hello, here I am writing a diary.” it should have stopped there. 

I love him, but it’s hard for me to do it these days. tldr: my dad doesn’t know what privacy is and he was disappointed when he wasn’t the good upright christian holy boy he so wanted him to be.

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